Mar 30, 2009

market outlook in this week (30-03-2009)

Market outlook in this week (30-03-2009) :
Last week I have not given any call due to the emerging of the trend as I doubted there is a strong counter rally which pushed the nifty to break the important resistances.

This is market is at very crucial junction now the trend should stabilize. For the first part of the week market is bearish and for the second part we may see the some positive moves again. Hence, I recommend to short on nifty for the first half of the week targeting the T1:3010 T2:2970 around the 2950 on can go long putting the 2885 as stop loss targeting the T1:3055T2: 3115 T3:3245 and this counter rally has more legs.

With thanks
Be and make

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