Jun 5, 2009

Buy MAN industries (05-06-09): Be and make

Buy MAN industries for short/Medium term perspective with T1:84/- T2:101-112/-.

Keep in mind that markets due for a correction, in the mean time stock may fall along with the broader indices but one should add it on every dip aiming the T1.

With thanks
Be and make


Be and Make said...

There are some positives in this counter:
1. Healthy order book (around 2000cr)
2. Demand likely to pick-up sharply globally
3. Capex just completed and boost the top line and bottom line in FY10
4. Good dividend yield
5. Realty suddenly taken the U turn and MAN has some exposure in realty
6. Huge orders likely to announce even in India from GAIL etc.,
7. In the upcoming days some order bagging announcement likely to come!
8. Very attractively valued, trading around the 4PE of FY10E earnings.
9. Oil demand likely to grow, which is a key positive trigger for this sector.
10. Volumes suddenly increased means huge accumulation going on.

With thanks
Be and make

Ye manzilen !! said...

Hello there,
I have just discovered your blog and have not bought any of your rec, but why you only restrict your exposure to 3/4 stocks?

I thought as a defensive investor one should spread the risk...

Anonymous said...


I am regular visitor of your blog and like your analysis on stocks.
I took 1000 stocks of MAN Ind. @55
Could you please tell me how many days I should wait before giving up?

Manju said...

Dear Be and make

i took 2000@54 can you please advice to add more from this level?

Be and Make said...

Dear manju– Thanks for your good words, yes in the recent time I am not active in posting the messages but busy in searching for the stocks to reconstruct the bag.

At this point of time, valuations are stretched when viewing the FY10. So, some stocks definitely looking expensive hence we can’t expect big moves from here in the short to medium term.

One should be stock specific at this point of time.

As I come to the conclusion I will update in my blog for sure.

For MAN industries I clearly mentioned that “market is set for a correction and one should add this on every dip should only consider investing in this stock” and as I was expected markets was in a correction mode. The most important point for this call is that I was expecting the GAIL order announcement but it was not happened. One can add this stock around the 40-42 levels and is the absolute buy level.

With thanks
Be and make