Aug 4, 2008

market outlook in this week (04-08-08)

Last week my calls were not activated. This week too I will give the same call means Go short Nifty above 4550 targeting the lower end of the band having T1:4325 T2:4205 T3:4075 with a stiff stop loss at 4625. Actually the short term trend is UP and will get the further strength if it crosses 4775. But, the signals we are getting replicate the ‘classic example of a bear market’.


Anonymous said...

Sir i have been trading on your calls from past 3 weeks and benefitting a lot. I read your weekly predictions and then trade on largecaps accordingly. Last Friday sold all my relcap shares and booked good profit , thanks to you.
This week i am not able to understand your weekly predictions , should i go long on largecaps or wait for prices to come down. i am just 17 yrs old so dont know what is f&o , so ur good f&o calls are wated by me. Please guide me sir.
Thank you

Be and Make said...

Dear rajat sharma - Thanks for your good words and congrats for making money. From last three months only two calls failed. I appreciate you because of your age, at this age you started trading? Wow really great!
This week i gave a call to go short on Nifty in FnO.
But, better to avoid trading in FnO.
I gave the buy call on RPL and was reached the target1 today. I wish you take that for targeting T2
With thanks
Be and make

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your help sir. Yeah i am quite young but investing or trading in share mkts is my hobby. With guidance from seniors like you i am able to make some money.
I would buy RPL 2moro for T2 and T3.

Be and Make said...

dear rajat - All the best.
with thanks
k a l y a n