Jul 18, 2016



This is not a buy or sells call… These are only my observations and please consult a registered or certified research analyst before going to take any decision on this article.

In Agriculture sector shiva agro looks very interesting. So many hurdles by the regulators I am not penning down much here…
Nasik based Shiva Agro is a Agri stock primarily works in the Solvent, Seeds and Fertilizers business. The company had a turnover of about Rs.500cr and is trading at a market cap of Rs.30cr and the gap is very enticing.
The rains in Maharashtra/western india is pretty well this year till now and is very very good news for shiva global.
The management is now looking to take some measures to improve the operating margins.

Registration Status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014. As per the clarifications provided by SEBI: “Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations”.


Venkat said...

Hi Sir, Whats your comment on Shiva Agro's Debt. I think 120 cr is high.

Kindly please post your views frequently.


Be and Make said...

Dear venkat- what debt equity ration said to be high?

Be and Make said...

Dear venkat- what debt equity ration said to be high?